The Nate Silver Saga: Fundamentals
Or: What's the situation?
Everyone's "favorite" burrito-rater Nate Silver has been pitching a fit over the last few days on Twitter, mostly because of this HuffPost article accusing him of skewing things in Trump's direction. I don't think it's that bad, but Nate's work is pretty subpar in my view. In this and maybe subsequent posts, . . .
The Moonifesto
What the hell is the point of all of this?
Mooned for Rebuttal is a blog about principles.
Sort of.
Some background:
The author of this blog has spent an inordinate amount of time on the Internet complaining about the state of baseball analysis, but never in a form longer than 140 characters at a time. The end result: a continual feeling of "God . . .
Posted in: manifestopurposeself-indulgent prattle
"Multiple Sources Say..."
Or: Work Ethic & Fantasy Sports
Today on Rotographs, Fangraphs writer Brad Johnson presented his thoughts on the fantasy values and possible lineups of the 2016 Phillies. At first glance, it's a normal article with normal takes and normal commentary on why Peter Bourjos is an intriguing possibility in centerfield.
About halfway through, though, Johnson's . . .
Posted in: bullshit ahoyfantasy baseballphillies